Announcing the all new Theme Matcher

In 2012, Theme Matcher was created to solve the problem of getting a WordPress blog to match the branding of it's main site. It was the first service to let you input any URL and produce a custom WordPress theme in just seconds.

Over the years, we've improved the service to handle different edge cases and produce a quality custom WordPress theme.

In April 2018 we launched the 3rd re-write of the system to keep up with the changing world of web development and WordPress. In 2018, WordPress continues to take over the internet and currently powers around 30% of all websites, making it a great safe choice for your new blog.

The latest version focuses on code quality. Generated themes follow the latest WordPress best practices for SEO and structure. This means if you are a developer that wants to make further modifications, files are laid out in a logical and organized manner.

If you're not a developer, you'll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a fast, secure, optimized, and modern code base.

We love to hear your feedback as that is what continues to improve Theme Matcher over time. Go ahead and send us an email for a quick human reply!